The $112,000 Phone Call

How One Insider Tip Put Erin on the Path to an Automatic
Full-Ride Scholarship

Here's how to be sure your student takes advantage of EVERY opportunity available to them

“When are you retaking the ACT?”

That’s the first question I asked Erin when we spoke.

Erin’s ACT score was very good, so I suspected she wasn’t planning to retake the exam.

But, as a college admissions strategist, I knew something she did not:

Her ACT score was only one point away from the threshold for an automatic full scholarship at several well-known schools.

Naturally, we added those schools to Erin’s application list. That same day, Erin bought an ACT prep guide and began studying to retake the exam.

If she gets her extra point and gets accepted at any of these additional schools, she’s guaranteed to receive a financial aid package that covers four years of full tuition.

That means our conversation could be worth as much as $112,000 to Erin and her family.

That’s great for Erin. Unfortunately, there are lots of other Erins out there who will never know that they might be able to attend college for free.

Every school has dozens of merit scholarships, internships, special programs, and other opportunities that can help the right students acquire the experiences (and careers) they desire.

But most students have no idea these opportunities exist – much less where to look for them.

Your student is missing out on major opportunities

(and they might never know it)

There’s a lot of information out there about college admissions – college guides, social media, discussion forums, and, of course, the college’s own website.

All that information is important…

…but none of it is complete.

And the information that REALLY matters is often unpublished, hidden, or hard to find.

That means you and your student are making critical decisions without knowing all the options.

For example, do you know –

  • Which schools will offer your student a full ride based on test scores and GPA alone? (They’re out there, I promise! But I bet they’re not on your list.)

  • The most important factor to consider if your student is pre-med? (It’s not about getting into the most prestigious school… and it can save you hundreds of thousands in tuition.)

  • Where to apply so your child lands the best internships with Fortune 50 companies? (It’s not Harvard or Wharton or Stanford… In fact, it’s a school you’ve probably never considered!)

  • Which state schools you should NEVER apply to? (It’ll cost you a fortune… and it’ll be harder for your student to get established after graduation.)

  • That pledging to a sorority costs about $10,000 extra per year? (Unless you happen to know which college houses the most affordable sorority chapters in America…)

  • Which schools base admissions and scholarship awards on a predictable formula – so you can know UP FRONT whether your student will get in and how much aid they’ll receive?

  • Which “test-optional” schools are REALLY test-optional? (Lots of colleges say they are – but, for most, an application without test scores is more likely to trigger a rejection.)

  • The #1 factor that determines post-graduation success? (It’s got nothing to do with how prestigious a school is…)

The answers to these questions are not public knowledge. In fact, most parents and applicants never realize that these are questions they should be asking!

That’s where I come in…

I’m Christy Sharafinski. I’m a college admissions strategist with more than a decade of experience.

I learned the ropes working with one of the most renowned admissions specialists in the US — plus I helped my six (6!) children find, apply for, and finance their ideal college experiences.

Over the years, I’ve developed, tested, and refined a way to help families navigate the application process with more confidence and ease — and with much, much less stress.

I’ll tell you more about this process in a bit —

But first I want to tell you a bit more about what professional admission strategists do — and why you should consider working with one (even if it’s not me!).

The secret world of college admissions

Applying to the right schools maximizes your student’s chances of admission and financial awards. And it sets them up for success during AND after their college years.

But very few people will know which under-the-radar schools might be absolutely perfect for your student.

  • Admissions strategists also know what admissions officers are looking for in an essay.

  • They know how to help your student produce an authentic essay that showcases what makes them special — and why they will be an asset to whatever school they attend.

  • And they help with supplemental essays, scholarship essays, and pulling together a first-rate activities list.

Your student’s guidance counselor almost certainly does not have this specialized, insider knowledge – much less time to sit with your student and make sure they’re aware of ALL the different opportunities and possibilities that are open to them.

But you know who does?

Professional admissions strategists.

These folks spend years amassing this insider knowledge.

They cultivate a network of admissions and financial aid contacts who can provide behind-the-scenes insights available nowhere else.

They get to know which colleges offer hidden advantages, overlooked scholarships, unexpected savings, and surprising professional opportunities.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

And most importantly… they share the context and insights your student needs to make the best choices for themselves and their future.

“But can’t we do this ourselves?”

I work with lots of motivated students and proactive parents who are accustomed to handling things like college applications on their own.

Can your student apply on their own? Absolutely!

But should they?

I say no – and here’s why:

You don’t know what you don’t know.

Without expert guidance, your student is almost certainly leaving money (and some exciting opportunities) on the table.

You may be missing key context about how college admissions work today.

  • College admissions have changed. Everything from the SATs to the application to the way admissions officers evaluate applications has changed in the last 20 years. If you attended college in the US, you can’t rely on your memory of the process to guide you well.

  • The US university system is VERY different than that of most other countries. If you were educated outside the US, much of your own experience won’t be relevant to the American context – and may even steer your student in the wrong direction.

  • First-generation college students face a built-in disadvantage. If your student will be the first in your family to attend college, they may be missing important contextual knowledge that other students take for granted. And they may miss out on valuable opportunities as a result.

Most students submit lackluster essays – even with parental help.

A great essay will make your student's application stand out like nothing else. But students are not taught to do this kind of writing. And admissions officers can spot an essay that’s had too much help from mom or dad in a heartbeat. (More on the essay in a little bit…)

The return on professional admissions assistance can be astronomical.

A great essay will make your student's application stand out like nothing else. But students are not taught to do this kind of writing. And admissions officers can spot an essay that’s had too much help from mom or dad in a heartbeat. (More on the essay in a little bit…)

But the BIGGEST reason you should consider working with an admissions strategist is this:

Your student isn’t just competing against kids with perfect test scores and a schedule packed with show-stopping extracurriculars.

Your student is competing against students who have had professional help to prepare their applications.

And that’s a big, hairy deal because colleges are more competitive (and expensive) than ever before – and not just elite universities.

Your student must prepare the best application possible – and they should take advantage of every opportunity for a leg up in the admissions process, in scholarship competitions, AND in their future career.

Among other things, that means applying for the schools, programs, and opportunities where your student has a built-in advantage – i.e., the programs that actively look for students like yours.

Good admissions strategists can help your student maximize their odds of success wherever they choose to apply – and they will often turn up opportunities that you would never have found on your own.

An exceptional personal statement is non-negotiable

It’s not enough to know where to look for these opportunities.

Your student must also submit an application that makes them STAND OUT.

A whopping 70% or more of the applicants for any given school have roughly the same grades, test scores, and academic rigor.

So what sets YOUR student apart?

Their Personal Statement.

Your student’s Personal Statement can determine where they get accepted to college… how much it costs… and perhaps how many years of student loan payments they have in their future.

That’s a LOT of pressure on one essay.

And that essay is HARD to write. Nearly half of seniors polled say it was the hardest part of their application process.

High school writing classes focus on argumentative essays. Your teen hasn’t been taught how to craft a compelling and personal essay that reveals their deepest story. Teachers don’t know how to help (they haven’t been taught either!), and guidance counselors are too busy to assist.

Plus, college essay prompts ask high school students for a level of reflection and introspection that’s more developmentally appropriate for a 25-year-old!

Students struggle with the Personal Statement. Some procrastinate for months. Others dash it off without nearly enough editing just to escape the pressure they’re feeling. Some get anxious or avoidant or depressed. And still others melt down during every writing session.

In the end, most students don’t do a particularly good job with their essays.

And that’s great news for you and your student!

The Personal Statement is the BEST place for your student to differentiate themselves from the mass of other applications that colleges receive.

But chances are they will need professional help to do so.

Studies show that students who have help from someone knowledgeable about the admissions process are more likely to get admitted AND get offered better financial awards.

In part, that’s because these students get more guidance about what their essay should say – and more help uncovering and shaping the stories that will set them apart from other applicants.

But it’s also because these students often spend more time on – and do many more drafts of – their Personal Statement. So the final piece is as strong and polished as it can be.

The Common Application was intended to streamline the college applications process. And it did – kind of.

But now instead of writing a different Personal Statement for each school they apply for, students write one essay for the Common App – and then a slew of other supplemental and scholarship essays for each school they apply to.

That means that once your student has nailed their Personal Statement, they may still need to write a dozen (or more!) additional essays.

Every one of those essays will affect where your student is accepted, how much financial support they receive, and what opportunities are available to them.

Your student may need to write DOZENS of essays

What kinds of opportunities require more essays?

Think honors programs, special dorms, priority registration, research programs, summer programs, special advisors, and dozens of other school-specific programs that might be exactly what your student wants and needs. These opportunities often require additional essays from students – or are offered based on the essays they have already submitted.

These essays require as much care and attention as the Personal Statement – and your student will often be working on several essays simultaneously.

It’s a lot to manage – and by the time they get started on these additional essays, students are often sick and tired of the whole application process.

That’s why it helps to have a knowledgeable professional on your team – one who can help your student stay on track, motivated, and producing admissions and scholarship-worthy essays right down to the finish line.

Don’t forget the Activities List!

Unfortunately, there’s still MORE to the application process – even after all those supplemental essays.

The Activities List is a key element of the Common Application – and it’s one that students and parents almost always misunderstand.

Done right, the Activities List is an opportunity for students to showcase their interests and demonstrate the kind of leadership, ideas, and energy they will bring to their future campus.

Done wrong (and most fall into this category), the Activities List reads like a generic checklist of things students think they need to have done to get into the school of their choice.

To make the Activities List stand out, your student must understand what admissions officers are looking for – AND how to pack the most compelling information into a very small space.

That’s another reason why it helps to work with a professional strategist – one who knows how to help your student present themselves in the best possible light.

If you want to give your teen the best advantage, then you need a strategist who knows the admissions process inside and out

  • Tap into opportunities that they would have otherwise missed…

  • Write a Personal Statement that showcases their unique story, strengths, and personality — and makes admissions officers sit up and take notice…

  • Produce dozens of supplemental essays to the same level of quality

  • Craft an Activities List that highlights what makes your student different (and why they’ll be an asset to any campus)…

  • And complete their applications on time, with minimum stress and maximum confidence.

It’s one thing to find someone to help with your student’s essay…

…but it’s much harder to find someone to help them…

Without structure and guidance, the application process can be overwhelming for parents and students alike.

That’s why I created a program that gives students all the personalized support they need to

  • find the schools and opportunities that are best for them, and

  • submit standout applications that maximize their chances of getting in and getting funded.


The All-Access Pass

The All-Access Pass one-on-one coaching program enables your student to maximize their odds of success at every stage
of the application process.

It includes:


A review of your student’s college list – plus advice about overlooked gems that might be ideal for their strengths and interests


Personalized advice and guidance to ensure that your student doesn’t overlook a single opportunity for an easier acceptance, a bigger financial aid package, or their desired campus experience


Individual counseling on early action, early decision, when (and how) to ask for letters of recommendation, college visits, and any other strategic choices your student will make


Hands-on assistance to develop a standout Activities List (your student and I will write and submit this together, so we know it’s 100% perfect)


Help completing an awards list (if applicable) that takes full advantage of the available real estate in the application


One-on-one help (and unlimited editing) on the Personal Statement – to help your student find and tell their most compelling story and craft an essay that admissions counselors can’t resist


Unlimited editing and support on all supplemental essays, honors college essays, and scholarship essays for your student’s chosen schools


A proven system for keeping everything on track and organized – so your student always knows what’s missing, how to prioritize, and what to work on next


The entire process customized to your student’s needs – so they get guidance, accountability, and support that’s suited to their goals, their personality, and the way their mind works


Access to me at any point in the coming months – because the questions you have now are different than the ones you'll have in a few months

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

What families have to say
about working with Christy

  • "She's an invaluable bridge"

    “Finding the right support for my son William’s transfer to a U.S. university really weighed on our family. After one conversation, we knew Christy was the right choice. I can’t imagine having navigated this journey without Christy’s expertise, encouragement, and insightful advice. She’s been an exceptional guide, providing not only educational support but also an invaluable bridge as William prepared to make this major transition halfway across the world.

    – David Schneider, Hong Kong

  • "I trusted her 100%"

    “Hiring Christy to help my son with the college application process has been a great choice. Having help to customize and personalize the essay and admissions process was exactly what we needed it. Christy is organized, efficient, and very professional. I trusted her 100% and can strongly recommend her!”

    -Martina Lohouse

  • “That’s exactly what my daughter needed”

    “Christy’s process for teasing out the most important things without telling [my daughter] what to write was beautiful. That’s exactly what she needed… Plus, Christy recommended she apply to a college we had never even considered. A year later, my daughter is a freshman there and loving every second of it! ”

    -Suzanne Harrison, Washington

One-on-one personalized support
to help your student SHINE

I specialize in making the college application process exponentially better and easier for parents and students.

I have a wealth of knowledge and experience and some pretty solid processes for making that happen –

– and I promise that I will always see your student for who they are.

We will make decisions based on what they want and need. I’ll coax out their deepest story and guide them in writing every word of their essays effectively.

  • If you’ve got an ambitious student applying to competitive schools – we’ll go through 9 or 10 rounds of revisions to make sure their essay stands apart from the competition. Then we’ll get super-strategic about writing supplemental essays and building a stellar application that earns them multiple acceptance letters.

  • If you’ve got a solid student searching for a good education – we’ll find programs where they’ll shine and opportunities that will set them up for a successful future career.

  • If you’ve got a laid-back kid who just wants to get in somewhere – we’ll find the colleges where admission (and sometimes financial aid) is almost guaranteed.

  • If you’ve got a student who’s distracted or disorganized – I’ll help project-manage the entire application process, minimizing stress and maximizing the small wins every step of the way.

  • And if you have a student with ADHD, a learning difference, or other unique challenges – I’ll tailor their essay-writing and application process to take full advantage of their particular strengths.

The best part?

You don’t ever have to be the taskmaster or the bad guy. And you’ll NEVER have to read your kid’s essay and tell them it’s not (yet) very good. :-)

The All-Access Program is designed to take that weight off your shoulders – while giving your student the attention and guidance they need to complete their applications with confidence.

I’ll show you how the program works in just a moment… but first I want to share a little bit about who I am – and why I developed this program.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

“As a parent, you worry how much to get involved. I don’t wanna tell her it’s not good, so you relieved me of that burden for sure.”

Suzanne Harrison

As a mother of six, I know first-hand how hard it is to deal with the procrastination, anxiety, and perfectionism that often come with the college application process.

But I also know how rewarding it is to see your student find their footing, tell their story, and launch themselves successfully into a new and exciting stage in their lives.

This is a vulnerable time for your student

Students in the throes of college applications are in a vulnerable space. They’re on the cusp of a big life change, beginning to cross from childhood to adulthood. They need lots of guidance and support… but they’re also beginning to make major decisions about their own lives.

All this vulnerability gets stirred up by the application process – and especially that darned essay! Students are forced to think long and seriously about who they are, what they have to offer, and what they want for their future.

It’s a challenge, for sure – and one that students handle with varying degrees of grace. But I consider it a privilege to be a part of that journey.

In fact, I love it!

Over the years, I’ve coached more than 200 students on how to express their unique genius and make the choices (and write the essays!) that will set them on the path to future success.

I have a huge heart for young people. And my ability to connect with them might just be *my* unique genius.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

How it feels to work with Christy

  • “I didn’t really know how to help our son with writing guidance around the essay. The peace of mind from Christy’s help was the best part of the process.”

    – Oby O’Bryan, North Carolina

  • “Christy does an amazing job getting to know your child and guides them in creating a masterpiece they will be proud to share!”

    – Jennifer Lefebvre, North Carolina

  • "I appreciate the fact that you're REALLY good at what you do. My son didn’t make it easy on you, but his essay was completed on time and as promised.”

    – Adam J. Antoszewski, Florida

  • “First, Christy worked with our top-of-her-class daughter. Two years later, she helped our son who has severe ADHD and dyslexia. She met each of them where they were. We’re so happy to have found her.”

    – Cyndi Pettit, Colorado

200 +

10 +



and hundreds of acceptances and scholarships

I didn’t start out knowing the best way to navigate the application process.

On my maiden voyage, even the sheer number of college choices was overwhelming. Plus there were college visits, crafting the Personal Statement, managing dozens of supplemental essays, and staying on top of looming deadlines.

I was trying to guide and support my senior, keep up at work, and manage the rest of my crew. And it was all too much.

So I started looking for professional help – and ended up getting hired by a nationally renowned college planner.

More than a decade later, I’m running my own ship.

I’m known as the “secret weapon” behind the families of nearly 200 students who have been accepted to colleges across the US and Canada – including Villanova, Northwestern, the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, Clemson, Purdue, the University of Alabama, the University of Illinois - Chicago, and many, many others…

Many of my students received generous financial awards as well.

“I enjoyed the extra support as a parent, knowing that there was someone else to help my son and to give him an outside perspective on what colleges wanted and how he could present himself in his application.”

- Diana Sherblom

Everything your student needs to submit an outstanding application

My apprenticeship with the college planner gave me a lot of the experience and insider knowledge I needed to start helping my own clients right away.

But I wasn’t satisfied. So I doubled down on the process, on best practices, and on meeting the critical needs of my students at every stage of the application process.

To start, I looked at what all the best essays and Activities Lists have in common… and I simplified everything so that I could teach it equally well to my students who are at the top of their class, somewhere in the middle, and to those with learning differences.

Then I turned my attention to the rest of the application process. I set up systems to help students keep track of their application deadlines, their essays, and their revisions.

I experimented with different ways of working together – until I understood the most efficient way to give students just what they need to build a dynamite school list, write stellar essays, hit their deadlines, and get one-on-one feedback and support at every stage.

And through it all, I’ve built up a national network of admissions professionals – from admissions officers at various schools to specialists in medical school and graduate school applications to financial aid and scholarship advisors – who keep me clued into hidden opportunities and loopholes that most college-bound students never learn about.

It includes everything your student needs to submit an outstanding application, write strong essays that earn awards and acceptances, and take advantage of every opportunity available to them.

The All-Access Pass coaching program is the culmination of this experimentation and testing.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

  • “Christy took a lot of weight off my shoulders. There was so much to do and I just didn't know how to write this kind of essay. She helped me understand what to do next each step of the way. And the way she kept checking in with me helped me get my essay done so much faster than I would have done on my own.”

    – Tyler O’Bryan, North Carolina


  • “Christy takes the time to understand your story and makes sure it shines through in your essays. I appreciate how collaborative she was throughout the whole process and would love to work with her again.”

    – Rutvik Kulkarni, Texas

My proven system for writing an EPIC essay in a weekend

The All-Access Pass includes my popular “Complete Your Essay in a Weekend” program, so your student can get a jump start on writing a standout Personal Statement.

The Personal Statement is a type of writing your student has probably never done before.

The essay needs to be the deepest story…

told in a way that expresses the student’s unique values…

written in the student’s own voice…

and compelling enough to keep the admissions officer reading

from start to finish.

I call that an “Aligned Essay.”

By breaking it down step-by-step, we can then rebuild the elements of an Aligned Essay into a powerful and complete whole. This is one of the tools that’s helped me effectively support so many seniors and their families.

So, when your teen:

  • Has the answers they’ve needed…

  • Receives the help they’ve wanted …

  • Works with the support they require…

  • And knows their inmost values…

They really can knock out a fantastic essay in a weekend!

Even better, during this weekend, your teen will learn the skills they’ll need to write the REST of their application essays with total confidence.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

How it works

Inside the All-Access Pass program, your students get highly personalized attention alongside a structured but flexible process for completing their applications.

Here’s how it works:


When you first enroll your student, you’ll complete a short intake form and provide contact details for your student.


We’ll send your student instructions for getting set up inside our dedicated Slack group.

Inside this group, your student can:

  • Find useful resources about completing their applications

  • Access a treasure-trove of guides to help with writing their essays

  • Request edits on any draft of their Personal Statement or supplement essays

  • Connect with other college-bound seniors

  • Ask any questions that come up between our scheduled calls


Next, your student will book their first coaching session. (Sessions are 45 minutes each and can take place in person or on Zoom.)

We use this session to make sure your student has all the context and information they need, that they know to take advantage of every opportunity that’s a good fit for them, and that they fully understand what the essay is and how we’ll be working to together over the coming weeks.

And we’ll record everything, so they don’t miss a word.


Your student will populate their dashboard with school lists, deadlines, application requirements, and essay drafts.

Your student will work on various essays and elements of their application simultaneously, rather than sequentially. This dashboard is how we manage it so they have everything polished, shining, and ready to submit on time (or even early!).


We’ll schedule your student's “Complete Your Essay in a Weekend” program to get a jump start on writing a powerful essay that they’ll be thrilled with. We’ll start with the 3 essential elements of every essay, select their strongest topic, and work together right through to their final word, with revelations about every element that must be included, so they understand the why, as well as the how.


I’ll schedule a second 1:1 session with your student (90 minutes this time) to nail down the Activities List. We’ll create a polished list that shows who your student is – and we’ll enter it into the Common App together so we can be sure your student shows up like a superstar.


All along the way your student will be polishing their Personal Statement and drafting supplemental essays.


We’ll keep revising and editing until your student and I are both satisfied that their essays are as strong and compelling as they can be.


Students will submit their applications, supplemental essays, and any other supporting materials as they are completed.


We sit back and wait for the results to roll in! :-)

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?
  • “Christy is extremely good at what she does. I know my essays wouldn’t be anywhere near where they are without her guidance. One thing that really surprised me was how she spaces out the essays. I learned so many things working with her. She saved me — if I was being honest!”

    – Akhil M., Illinois


  • "I learned so many things working with Christy. I never considered so much of what we talked about! But her insights helped me totally relax and just do the work."

    – Vishal K.


  • “In school, I like to do my work ahead of time. But I felt completely lost with my essays and kept pushing them aside. I didn't know what I was doing or how to manage my time — until I started working with Christy. She guided me every step of the way — from choosing the strongest topic from all my ideas to completing my essay FAST.”

    -Liam A.


How the
All-Access Pass
pays off

The All-Access Pass is a comprehensive program that guides and supports your student (and your family!) through the entire application process.

And because we start with a big picture focus on the hidden gems and overlooked opportunities that might be perfect for your student…

…you can be confident that your family is aware of all the options available to your student.

That alone is worth the investment.

But in many cases, the All-Access Pass will more than pay for itself.

If your student ends up with even a small scholarship… a good internship… or at a lower-cost school as a result of our work together, you’ll come out well ahead.

But – depending on your situation – you could end up with a much bigger financial return.

Like Erin, who I told you about earlier. If she gets her extra point on the ACT and attends one of the schools with ACT scholarships, she could save as much as six figures on her college education.

Or like NAME, who I helped apply to a special MBA program at her university. She will complete her MBA and undergraduate degree in just 5 years, and her graduate education is being paid for by a Fortune 50 company (where she is also doing an internship.) Not only is she saving some $40,000 on tuition, but she’s earning money while she studies – and she’s practically guaranteed a lucrative job when she graduates.

Or like Sophia, who I helped apply for merit scholarships at her chosen schools… and whose first two offers were for $124K and $127.5K.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

De-stressify the
application process

Regardless of how the financials work out, when you work with me, your student (and your family) will experience way less stress… and way more confidence.

I’ll make sure that your student has:

  • An awesome (and complete!) Personal Statement and Activities List ready to submit

  • Powerful Supplemental Essays for every school they apply to, all ready to go

  • Peace of mind that they’re doing each step right (using my proven system and helpful strategies)

  • The confidence to write other essays and papers with their newfound skills

  • A healthy dose of college application strategy and mindset tools

And YOU can take a big step back and RELAX!

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

So how much does it cost for this much one-on-one help and insider guidance?

Less than you might think – especially considering the peace of mind you’ll receive!

The All-Access Pass package includes everything your student needs to complete their essays and applications successfully and on time.

But if you want an even more customized, concierge-like experience for your student, consider the Elite Admissions Experience. This 3-day bespoke experience includes the All-Access Pass plus a guided college visit, a senior photo shoot, and a bespoke 3-day experience to launch your student’s senior year on a remarkable note.

The All-Access Pass

Application and essay support for unlimited schools

  • Support with school list development

  • Standardized test score analysis and strategic coaching

  • Admissions calendar support and guidance

  • Common App Activities List & Resume

  • Essay topic brainstorming and strategy

  • Unlimited revisions of the Personal Statement for the Common App

  • Supplemental essays for all colleges on your list

  • Support with honors college essays

  • Help with essays for school-based merit scholarships

  • Ongoing pocket coaching + feedback in our private Slack group

  • Unlimited live Zoom/in-person student coaching sessions

  • Interview coaching, if needed

  • Ongoing access for parents and the senior to Christy

  • Applications dashboard to organize materials, edits, and deadlines

  • Includes the Complete Your Essay in a Weekend Workshop



Pay just $3000 for help with up to 5 schools.
Only applying to a few schools?

Elite Admissions Experience

Launch a remarkable senior year and college admissions experience

Includes everything in the All-Access Pass, PLUS:

  • In-person, 3-or-4-day launch experience tailored for 1 - 3 students

  • Tour of a prestigious university (location of your teen’s Elite Admissions Experience selected to complement the college visit)

  • A teen-delighting, luxury AirBnB stay with a private room and bath for your student.

  • Highly curated assessments to help students write their essays and to help Christy faster — aiding her personalized guidance every step of the way.

  • Professional senior year photoshoot, including professional hair styling, makeup application, and wardrobe selection coaching

  • Customized entertainment tailored to the attendees

  • All meals, snacks, and special gastro-treats

  • Christy reserves the right to surprise and delight your student in countless other ways


Want to learn more about this curated application experience?

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

Some of the results my students have gotten

Frequently asked questions

  • Of course you can. But you’ll be missing out.

    That’s because the Personal Statement essay is just one piece of a very large, very complex puzzle.

    The All-Access Pass helps you see and understand the shape of that puzzle before your student sinks hours of time and energy (and sometimes tears) into writing an essay that they hope will unlock a solution.

    With the All-Access Pass, your student knows what pieces they have been missing - and how to find them. In the end, that makes the application process faster, easier, and much more successful.

  • You absolutely can - but I would encourage you not to. =)

    Why? Because when you hire me for hourly consulting, we dive deep into the specific question or issue your student wants to explore. But that’s not necessarily the best or most efficient way to get the outcomes you want.

    The All-Access Pass is designed from ground up to get your student the best possible results in the fastest, easiest, most efficient manner.

    The program includes a lot of orientation and table-setting for your student, so they’re clear on what they need to do and why and how. I also includes a strategic review of your student and your family’s specific situation - so that we can be confident we’re doing everything possible to achieve the best outcomes for your student.

    If you jump straight to hourly consulting, you’ll miss out on the big-picture context. This will almost certainly cost your family in overlooked opportunities. And, should you require multiple consultations, you could even end up paying more than you would have for the All-Access Pass.

  • Absolutely!

    Go ahead and book a free Clarity Call to learn more about how I can help you write a dynamite graduate school Personal Statement.

  • Love this question! The ealier the better.

    Most students start in the All-Access program in the summer or early fall. Ideally, your student would start by June or July before their senior year - that gives us extra time to get the Personal Statement dialed in before the craziness of application season gets underway =)

  • Nope! Junior year is a fantastic time to start this program because it gives your student time and flexibility to be super strategic about planning their senior year and their application process. 

    There’s a lot we can do if we start early – from finetuning extracurriculars to showcasing your student’s strengths to requesting letters of recommendation to selecting senior-year classes and activities that help your student stand out.

    And you might wish to start even earlier! Students with plans for medical school, graduate school, or particularly competitive programs or careers can start as early as eighth grade.

    That might seem premature (I certainly would have thought so, back in the day!)... but the more strategic these students can be about the academic, extracurricular, and enrichment experiences they acquire, the better. 

    Curious about what the All-Access Pass looks like if your child starts well before their senior year? Book a Clarity Call, and we’ll talk about it!

  • As long as your student is on the right side of their application deadlines, I’m happy to help them complete their essay and applications. 

    That said, the earlier your student starts, the more value I can bring. If we only start working together in December or (eep!) January, your student may have already missed deadlines for schools and opportunities that might have been a great fit for them.

  • For the right student, yes. I have a mental Rolodex of schools, programs, and scholarships that may offer your student a great chance for a hefty scholarship. If you can fit the All-Access Pass into your budget, there’s a very good chance it will eventually pay for itself.

    But let’s talk about it! You can schedule a free 30-minute Clarity Call here. I’ll let you know if I can help. And if I can’t, I may know someone else who can.

    Either way, you’ll get 30 minutes of advice and lots of clarity. 🙂

    And I promise – no hard sell. If this program is not right for your family, I will be honest about it.

  • The coaching and structure inside the All-Access Pass are designed to adapt to your student's needs, not the other way around.

    I get to know your student personally, and I tailor their essay-writing and application process to take full advantage of their particular strengths.

    I’ve helped lots of students with learning differences. We always figure out a way to work well together – and they always do great.

  • No. Only a small percentage of my students are in and around Charlotte. I‘ve worked with teens from Illinois, Colorado, Texas, Florida, New Jersey, Vermont, and a few other states. I’ve even worked with students in France and  Dubai.

    With today’s tech, I easily provide a fun, productive, and empowering workshop, regardless of your location.  And if you’d like your teen to work with me in person, reach out and we can tak further about how this could work.

  • Not really a question, but no problem! 😉

    Go here to book a complimentary 30-minute Clarity Call.  I’m happy to answer every question you can throw at me.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?

Give your student a better chance at their ideal college experience

From the outside, the college admissions process looks fairly transparent.

Every college tells you exactly what your student needs to apply.

Your student follows the instructions, fills out the Common App, uploads their essays, requests their transcripts, asks for letters of recommendation, and voilà!


Not so much.

If your student has started working on the Personal Statement, then you already know how fraught that can be. 

In fact, every element of the application hides nuances and expectations that will determine where your students gets accepted and what kind of financial package they are offered.

The worst part? Unless you’re already an admissions expert, a lot of this nuance will be invisible to you.

You and your student will make choices that you don’t even realize you’re makingand those choices will determine your student’s future.

Don’t leave that future up to luck and happenstance.

Enroll your student in the All-Access Pass today and feel confident that your student is aware of all the opportunities available to them –
– and that they submit an exceptional application that makes them a standout choice for schools, programs, and scholarships that are best for THEM.

Not sure if the All-Access Pass is right for your student?